It's time,

to feel like you again

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Additional information on CMRT can be found at

CMRT - The evolution of healthcare

Many people are familiar with an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) device, which is a clinical diagnostic imaging device. CMRT (Clinical Magnetic Resonance Therapy) is a device that similarly uses electromagnetic fields to target body systems. However, CMRT produces extremely low-level frequencies (one trillion times lower than an MRI) which allows it to match the physiologic (naturally occurring) electromagnetic fields produced by healthy cells within the body.

CMRT is a safe and effective way to target body systems such as the vagus nerve to enhance feelings of relaxation (FDA-authorized claim) in order to increase parasympathetic innervation and help balance the autonomic nervous system. The relaxation response engages the body's innate healing capabilities and addresses issues associated with chronic stress and chronic pain; it has been shown to:
Organ function
Cardiac rhythmicity
Normalized blood pressure
Regular sleep patterns
Increased energy levels 
Optimal immune system response
Stiff and soar muscles
Anxiety and depression
To learn more about the negative effects of chronic stress, and the transformative health benefits of countering stress, we highly recommend the book Why Zebra’s Don’t Get Ulcers by leading scientific writer and Stanford professor Robert Sapolsky.

CMRT Contraindications

There have not been any serious medical adverse events resulting from exposure to CMRT. However, in other studies, stimulation from much stronger electromagnetic fields have been shown to increase the risk of seizures, especially in patients with lowered seizure thresholds. If a patient is at risk for seizures, she/he should not participate in CMRT sessions.

Patients with any of the following health conditions should not undergo a CMRT session:

Implanted electrical stimulators in the brain
Chronic atrial fibrillation (poorly controlled)
CHF (Congestive Heart Failure)
High blood pressure (poorly controlled)
Sleep apnea (without CPAP device)

Medical Disclaimer

CMRT enhances feelings of relaxation (FDA-authorized claim) which helps restore balance to the nervous system and reduce the physiological effects of chronic stress and pain. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.